

日期:2015-8-14 15:00 阅读:
原文 翻译
Give women the vote! 给妇女选举权!
I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred to it. 我建议对此事投票表决,但主席表示反对。
A large vote was polled. 投票踊跃。
He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反对动议的通过。
This vote spells defeat for the government. 这次选举意味着政府的失败。
The vote will be held next month. 下个月举行选举。
Was the vote for or against the resolution? 表决结果是赞成还是反对此决议?
用作动词 (v.)
原文 翻译
We are going to vote on the plan . 我们打算就这一提案进行表决。
He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote. 他成为公民,并因此获得了选举权。
I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。
Only citizens are etrgible to vote. 只有公民有选举资格。
Partrament voted the bill through without a debate. 国会未经辩论就投票通过了这项法案。
He refused to declare which way he would vote. 他拒绝声明他将投票给哪一边。