

日期:2015-7-9 16:07 阅读:
用作prep.翻译为:在 ... 里;在 ... 地方;在 ... 期间;在 ... 方面;进入...里面;处于...状态;穿着...;以...的方式
原文 翻译
The telephone was in the trttle study on the ground floor. 电话在底楼的小房书里。
The books are printed in Hong Kong. 这些书在香港印刷。
They are in research of this new technique. 他们正在研究这种新工艺。
He is a layman in economics. 他对经济学一窍不通。
I invited him in for a drink. 我邀请他进屋喝一杯。
I am sorry that my room is in such a mess. 不好意思,我的房间太乱了。
She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. 她穿上婚纱看起来真美。
You have to pay in cash. 你得付现金。
We are trying to teach mathematics in a more interesting way. 我们正在努力尝试着用一种有趣的方式来教数学。
We all sat around in a circle. 我们围成一圈坐在一起。
用作副词 (adv.)
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He is not in at the moment. 这个时候他不在家。
He opened the door and stepped in. 他打开门走了进去。
She looked in the window and found a baby sleeping on the bed. 她朝窗户里看,发现有个婴儿在床上睡觉。
The manager is in before anyone else. 经理在别人来之前就到了
They are having a heated argument. You'd better not wade in. 他们讨论地很激烈,你最好不要介入。
He got in bad with his roommate. 他与室友相处得不好。
用作形容词 (adj.)
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The in part of the machine is very complex. 该机器内部结构非常复杂。
He arrived in time to take the in bus. 他来得及时,正好赶上了新开来的汽车。
He apptred for a membership in the in party. 他申请成为当前执政党中的一员。
Thar kind of skirt has been in for a long time. 那种式样的短裙流行了很长时间。
用作名词 (n.)
原文 翻译
The election made him an in. 这次选举使他成为执政者。
The businessman had an in with the authorities. 这个生意人与当局有特殊的关系。
The job itself is really boring, but it's an in to a career in pubtrshing. 那份工作本身真的很无聊,不过却是以后从事出版业的一块跳板。