

日期:2023-9-30 06:02 阅读:


序号 资料标题 下载地址
1 高中语文统编版必修 上册第一单元1《沁园春长沙》课堂实录 下载
2 六年级下册语文:全彩页课堂高效笔记 下载
3 2023年三年级科学(下)课堂重点笔记 扫描版 下载
4 新概念第二册Lesson 53 课堂笔记 下载
5 新概念英语第二册Lesson 80课堂笔记 下载
6 新概念英语第三册lesson9课堂笔记 下载
7 新概念 英语第二册lesson 32课堂笔记 下载
8 新概念英语第二册Lesson 70课堂笔记 下载
9 新概念 英语第二册lesson 31课堂笔记 下载
10 新概念英语第二册第一单元课堂笔记 下载
11 新概念英语第三册Lesson10课堂笔记 下载
12 统编版一年级下册语文:全彩页课堂高效笔记 下载
13 新概念英语第二册lesson 81课堂笔记 下载
14 新概念英语第二册Lesson 71课堂笔记 下载
15 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 60 课堂笔记 学案 下载
16 新概念英语第二册Lesson 59课堂笔记 下载
17 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 46课堂笔记 下载

篇1:高中语文统编版必修 上册第一单元1《沁园春长沙》课堂实录

高中语文统编版必修 上册第一单元1《沁园春长沙》课堂实录资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:《沁园春 长沙》课堂实录教学设想《沁园春 长沙》是学生进入高中阶段所学习的第一篇课 文,课文所属单元的人文主题是“青春激扬”,课文的体裁为 诗歌(词)从单元的人文主题出发,考虑到高中生正值青春 年华,有必要让他们对青春、理想、信念有自觉的体验和思考;针对当今社会不少青年娱乐至上、甘做“废青”的现状,更有 必要用经典作品启发和引导青年学生对青春内涵、青年责任 进行思考,进而树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,养成积 极向上、奋发有为的人格。毛泽东在《沁园春 长沙》中充满激情地回忆了青年时期 的峥赚岁月,词作豪迈大气,洋溢着不可抗拒的青春热情,特 别是对当时社会的思考和改造世界的雄心壮志在当今...



篇3:2023年三年级科学(下)课堂重点笔记 扫描版

2023年三年级科学(下)课堂重点笔记 扫描版资料可供全国地区适用。

篇4:新概念第二册Lesson 53 课堂笔记

新概念第二册Lesson 53 课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念第二册Lesson 53笔记课文At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground careful...

篇5:新概念英语第二册Lesson 80课堂笔记

新概念英语第二册Lesson 80课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Lesson 80课堂笔记The crystal palacePart 1: TextPerhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and g...


大致详情:Lesson 9飞猫Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.猫总能引起人们的极大兴趣。They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well.它们可以对人友好,充满柔情。但是,它们又有自己神秘的生活方式。They never become submissive like dogs and horses.它们从不像狗和马一样变得那么顺从。As a result, humans hav...

篇7:新概念 英语第二册lesson 32课堂笔记

新概念 英语第二册lesson 32课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念 英语第二册lesson 32课堂笔记一、原文People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before -- especially in large shops.A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in th...

篇8:新概念英语第二册Lesson 70课堂笔记

新概念英语第二册Lesson 70课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念英语第二册Lesson 70课堂笔记Part 1: TextDuring a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and...

篇9:新概念 英语第二册lesson 31课堂笔记

新概念 英语第二册lesson 31课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念 英语第二册lesson 31课堂笔记(一)书本 Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。 Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. 在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时候...


大致详情:New Concept English 2 Practice & progresss  实践与进步TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc254728772" Lesson 1 A private conversation 2HYPERLINK \l "_Toc254728773" Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch 5HYPERLINK \l "_Toc254728774" Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card 7HYPERLINK \l "_Toc254728775" Lesson 4...


大致详情:Lesson 10“泰坦尼克”号的沉没The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912.巨轮“泰坦尼克”号1912年4月10日从南安普敦起锚驶向纽约。She was carrying 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891.船上载有1,316名乘客与891名船员。Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.却使用现代标准来衡量,45,000 吨的...



篇13:新概念英语第二册lesson 81课堂笔记

新概念英语第二册lesson 81课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念英语第二册lesson 81Part 1: TextWhen he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead man's clothes. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and do...

篇14:新概念英语第二册Lesson 71课堂笔记

新概念英语第二册Lesson 71课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念英语第二册Lesson 71 课堂笔记Part 1: TextWhen you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had hot been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes...

篇15:新概念英语第二册 Lesson 60 课堂笔记 学案

新概念英语第二册 Lesson 60 课堂笔记 学案资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念英语第二册Lesson 60课堂笔记【课文内容】First listen and then answer the question.Does what Madam Bellinsky said come ture At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a cryst...

篇16:新概念英语第二册Lesson 59课堂笔记

新概念英语第二册Lesson 59课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Lesson 59In or out 进来还是出去?First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Why did Rex run away?Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark.我家的狗雷克斯,过去常坐在大门外面叫。Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate.每当它想到花园里来时,便汪汪叫个不停,直到有人...

篇17:新概念英语第二册 Lesson 46课堂笔记

新概念英语第二册 Lesson 46课堂笔记资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:新概念英语第二册 Lesson 46课堂笔记Expensive and uncomfortable既昂贵又受罪First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。What did the man in this story do When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport,当一架来自伦敦的飞机抵达悉尼机场时,workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.工人们开...
