

日期:2023-1-9 11:28 阅读:


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1 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (七) (含答案) 下载
2 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (十) (含答案) 下载
3 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (四) (含答案) 下载
4 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (一) (含答案) 下载
5 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (八) (含答案) 下载
6 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (六) (含答案) 下载
7 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (三) (含答案) 下载
8 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (九) (含答案) 下载
9 中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (五) (含答案) 下载
10 统编版六年级下册语文 话题文章《窗》( 课件)(30张) 下载
11 部编版语文六年级下册小升初状物类文章阅读试题(无答案) 下载
12 2022年六年级语文阅读理解专题:文章的线索 下载
13 部编版语文六年级下册小升初写事文章阅读试题(无答案) 下载

篇1:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (七) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (七) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Too Late to Regret ItWhen I was a junior, I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking, but he was very nice, attractive and athletic. He had something that I admired very much. He was natural, warm, and sincere.I disregarded (不顾) my parents' disapproval. We were ve...

篇2:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (十) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (十) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:第一篇 New Foods and the New World In the last 500 years, nothing about people---not their clothes, ideas, or languages—has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree(可可树)by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of...

篇3:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (四) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (四) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:第一篇Technology Transfer in GermanyWhen it comes to translating basic research into industrial Success,few nations can match Germany.Since the 1940s,the nation’s vast industrial base has been fed with a constant stream of new ideas and expertise from science.And though German prosperity(繁荣)has falte...

篇4:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (一) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (一) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Trying to Find a Parther  One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people inbterviewed,one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with.  Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate re...

篇5:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (八) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (八) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Two People,Two PathsYou must be familiar with the situation:Dad’s driving,Mum’s telling him where to go.He’ssure that they need to turn 1eft.But she says it’s not for another two blocks.Who has the bettersense of direction Men or women They both do,a new study says.but in different ways.Men and...

篇6:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (六) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (六) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:A Debate on the English Language  A measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States.The US Senate passed two declarations last week.One calls English the nation's official language and the other says it is the "common and unifying(统一的)"tongue.But American...

篇7:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (三) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (三) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:第一篇More Than a Ride to SchoolThe National Education Association claims.“The school bus is a mirror Of the community.”They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior(外部)does not always reflectthe reality of a chosen community.They are right.and sometimes it reflects more!Just ask...

篇8:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (九) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (九) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Sleepless at NightIt was a normal summer night.Humidity(湿气)hung in the thick air.I couldn’t go to sleep,partly because of my cold and partly because of my expectations for the next day.My mum had said that tomorrow was going to be a surprise.Sweat stuck to my aching body.Finally, gathered enough...

篇9:中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (五) (含答案)

中考英语复习: 难度较大的阅读文章 (五) (含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:第一篇 “Salty” Rice Plant Boosts HarvestsBritish scientists are breeding a new generation of rice plants that will be able to grow in soil containing salt water. Their work may enable abandoned farms to become productive once more.Tim Flowers and Tony Yeo, from Sussex University’s School of Biologica...

篇10:统编版六年级下册语文 话题文章《窗》( 课件)(30张)

统编版六年级下册语文 话题文章《窗》( 课件)(30张)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共30张PPT)打开一扇窗授课教师:高老师猜谜语平平亮亮一堵墙墙里墙外可相望窗户一、窗的外形方的、圆形、菱形、玻璃、纸......法国夏特尔大教堂的彩色玻璃窗西班牙巴塞罗那巴约之家泰国曼谷的寺庙窗户二、由窗看到的美景(听觉+视觉)窗内:桌子、椅子、风铃、窗台上的鞋子|果干窗外:树、鸟窝、阳光、河流、田野三、由窗及人(物 人 情 )敲窗 玩伴 童年的乐趣灯光 饭菜的香味 爸爸、亲人 亲情猫 人与动物...


大致详情:小升初状物类文章阅读★古诗积累(托物言志)湖光秋月两相和, 。,只留清气满乾坤。遥看洞庭山水翠, 。,白雨跳珠乱入船。山河破碎风飘絮, 。,为谁辛苦为谁甜?老骥伏枥,志在千里, 。,不及林间自在啼。★方法点拨状物,就是把事物的形状、颜色、性能等特点用生动的语言描述出来。这里所说的“状物文”指的就是侧重于状物的文章。一般来讲,状物文可分为三类:如《山海关》一文介绍了山海关的地形和构造特点,属状静物文;《松鼠》一文具体描写了松...




大致详情:小升初写事文章阅读◆课外积累1、讽刺那种生搬硬套、盲目模仿别人的人,可以用( )来形容。A、五十步笑百步 B、揠苗助长 C、邯郸学步 D、井底之蛙2、讽刺整天毫无根据地忧心忡忡、怕这怕那得庸人,可以用( )的故事来形容。A、揠苗助长 B、滥竽充数 C、杞人忧天 D、井底之蛙3、讽刺那些舍本逐末、捡芝麻丢西瓜的蠢人的成语是( )。A、刻舟求剑 B、郑人买履 C、盲人摸象 D、买椟还珠4、讽刺那些在虚幻的现象面前疑神疑鬼的人,可以用( )的寓言故事来形容。A、杯弓蛇影 B、螳螂捕蝉 C、滥竽...
