
catch 单元测试(精选20篇)

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catch 单元测试(20篇)
序号 资料标题 下载地址
1 【新课标】Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 课件+教学设计+导学案 下载
2 Unit 3 Lesson 18:Never Catch a Dinosaur同步练习(含答案) 下载
3 Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 教案 下载
4 Unit 14 One, two, three, catch! 课件(共28张PPT) 下载
5 Unit14One,two,three,catch!课件(19张PPT) 下载
6 Unit14One,two,three,catch! 课件(20张PPT) 下载
7 冀教版英语九年级上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 导学案 下载
8 冀教版英语九年级上册课时作业:Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur(含答案) 下载
9 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur教学设计 下载
10 典范英语3aL23 Catch It! 课件+素材(共24张PPT) 下载
11 冀教版九年级上册 Lesson18 Never Catch a Dinosaur课件(共18张PPT,内嵌音频) 下载
12 高考二轮读后续写:Catching crabs for supper 课件(22张PPT) 下载
13 外研版七年级上册辅导班课件 6 We are going to catch fish(共55张PPT,内嵌音频) 下载
14 (新课标)Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur分层练习(含答案) 下载
15 2022年高考3月宁波十校联考英语读后续写讲解课件:catching crabs for supper 下载
16 冀教版九年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur课件(共23张PPT,内嵌音频) 下载
17 Unit14One,two,three,catch!Lesson27 课件(21张PPT) 下载
18 Unit14 One,two,three,catch! Lesson27课件(共29张PPT) 下载
19 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 冀教版英语九年级全一册同步课时练(含解析) 下载
20 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 课件2022-2023学年冀教版英语九年级上册(共23张PPT) 下载

篇1:【新课标】Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 课件+教学设计+导学案

【新课标】Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 课件+教学设计+导学案资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台冀教版英语九年级Unit 3Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur教学设计课题 Lesson 18 单元 Unit 3 学科 English 年级 9教材分析 Lesson 18 is the last lesson of Unit 3, Book 5. This unit focus on the subject describing an accident. There isn’t new knowledge in this lesson. We can review Lesson 13-17 according to l...

篇2:Unit 3 Lesson 18:Never Catch a Dinosaur同步练习(含答案)

Unit 3 Lesson 18:Never Catch a Dinosaur同步练习(含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:《Lesson 18: Never Catch a Dinosaur》同步练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Everyone likes to     (attend)Mr Smith's classes. They are always interesting and lively.2.After the     (train), he took a bath and went to bed. 3.The little bird hid among the     (branch) of the tree. 4.You will not succeed unless you wo...

篇3:Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 教案

Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 教案资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Lesson 18: Never Catch a DinosaurI. Learning aims:Master the new words:rule, branch, trainingII. Learning important and difficult points:1) I will never try to catch the falling dinosaur.2) You advised him to use a ladder, but he didn’t listen.3) I told her I would be careful.4) She watched...

篇4:Unit 14 One, two, three, catch! 课件(共28张PPT)

Unit 14 One, two, three, catch! 课件(共28张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共28张PPT)Unit 14 One, two, three, catch!Revision1Can Karen catch the jar No. she can’t.Role play2catch 抓住jar 坛,罐ready 准备就绪的stop 停止can’t 不能bring...


大致详情:(共19张PPT)Welcome back!Unit 14 One, two, three, catch!Karen: No, not that one.The one on the .The one.emptytableRobert: , Mum!Ready One, two, three, !Here you arecatchKaren: No, Robert! !Robert: what’s...

篇6:Unit14One,two,three,catch! 课件(20张PPT)

Unit14One,two,three,catch! 课件(20张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共20张PPT)welcome to our class!New Concept EnglishUnit 14 One, two, three, catch!Lesson 27Lesson 28New Words and Expressionslate 晚的,迟的 call 叫,称为early 早的 go 走,去time 时间 let’s 让我们---What time is it 几点了?Wow! 哇!o’clock...

篇7:冀教版英语九年级上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 导学案

冀教版英语九年级上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 导学案资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 导学案知识 目标 必 会 内 容 Important words: rule,branch,training Important phrases: take sb./sth.to someplace,by the way,make sure,because of,take care Important sentences: (1)I will never try to catch the falling dinosaur. (2)You advised him to use a ladder,but he di...

篇8:冀教版英语九年级上册课时作业:Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur(含答案)

冀教版英语九年级上册课时作业:Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur(含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台Lesson 18 Never Catch a DinosaurⅠ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.Tina     (接住) the ball from her friend a moment ago. 2.Look! The      (树枝) on the tree are sticking out of the wall. 3.I don’t think Bob is a      (粗心的) boy. 4.Lucy’s parents were strict with her and they made manyr...

篇9:Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur教学设计

Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur教学设计资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:UNIT 3 SafetyLesson 18: Never Catch a Dinosaur首先通过询问同学们经历过的事故导入新课。接着,利用图片和例句学习本课节的词汇,并跟读练习。然后,通过听音完成句子进入本课的学习;通过阅读判断、阅读填空、阅读找短语并翻译、复述大明经历的事故等一系列活动学习本课的邮件,进一步巩固所学内容。最后,处理剩余的练习题,并讲解本课中的重要知识点。本课节先通过词汇的教学为后面的学习扫清障碍,再由浅及深地展开对邮件的学习。最后,通过当堂达标的习题检测学生的掌握情况。教学目标通过本课节的教学,学生达成以下目标:1. 知识目标掌握单词:rule, train...

篇10:典范英语3aL23 Catch It! 课件+素材(共24张PPT)

典范英语3aL23 Catch It! 课件+素材(共24张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。

篇11:冀教版九年级上册 Lesson18 Never Catch a Dinosaur课件(共18张PPT,内嵌音频)

冀教版九年级上册 Lesson18 Never Catch a Dinosaur课件(共18张PPT,内嵌音频)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共18张PPT)Lesson 18Never Catch a DinosauraccidentsLeading inIs there an accident Yes, there is.Leading inHave you ever had any accidents Leading inYes, I have. / No, I haven’t.Is it important to listen toother people’s warnings Yes. It is very important.Leading inLearning aims1.To un...

篇12:高考二轮读后续写:Catching crabs for supper 课件(22张PPT)

高考二轮读后续写:Catching crabs for supper 课件(22张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共22张PPT)读后续写Catching crabs for supperPart 1. 文本分析blue crabsbucketnetdead fishbayWhat should you prepare for catching crabs bait阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Dad handed me the bucket and the net with a long, wooden handle. He gave Paulie two dead fish wrapped in newspaper. They were tied...

篇13:外研版七年级上册辅导班课件 6 We are going to catch fish(共55张PPT,内嵌音频)

外研版七年级上册辅导班课件 6 We are going to catch fish(共55张PPT,内嵌音频)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共55张PPT)We are going to catchfish●People and placesVocabulary-大纲词汇Vocabulary-文章词汇☆Article We are going to catch fish☆Speaking☆WritingEveryday activitiesDo you know what they do Match the words with the pictures.1.take a photoa·2.lie in the sun·3.drive a car·4.watch a film·5.pla...

篇14:(新课标)Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur分层练习(含答案)

(新课标)Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur分层练习(含答案)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台【冀教版英语九上分层练习+单元测试+期中素评+期末素评】Unit 3 SafetyLesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur分层练习新知练习【词汇速填】1. 规则;规章   n. ______2. 树枝 n. ______3. 训练;培养 n. ______4. 从……吸取教训________________________5. 顺便说说________________________6. 当心;小心________________________【句型感知】1. 我永远不会设法接住一只在下落...

篇15:2022年高考3月宁波十校联考英语读后续写讲解课件:catching crabs for supper

2022年高考3月宁波十校联考英语读后续写讲解课件:catching crabs for supper资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共29张PPT)宁波十校202203Catching crabs for supperPart 1. 文本分析blue crabsbucketnet &dead fishbayWhat should you prepare for catching crabs bait阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Dad handed me the bucket and the net with a long, wooden handle. He gave Paulie two dead fish wrapped in newspaper. They w...

篇16:冀教版九年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur课件(共23张PPT,内嵌音频)

冀教版九年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur课件(共23张PPT,内嵌音频)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共23张PPT)Teacher: JimmyLesson 18 Never Catch a DinosaurWarming Up01PART ONEWarming Up Have you ever learned a lesson from an accident Is it important to listen to other people’s warnings Why or why not Pre-reading02PART TWOPre-readingrule /ru:l/n.规则;规章Pre-readingbranch /br nt /...

篇17:Unit14One,two,three,catch!Lesson27 课件(21张PPT)

Unit14One,two,three,catch!Lesson27 课件(21张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共21张PPT)新概念青少版1A Unit14Lesson27Game rule游戏方法:听到游戏指令后,双方分别在规定的格子内来回跳动,游戏结束后,剩下人数多的一方为胜。奖励分值为双方剩下人数相减所得之数。淘汰方法:反应最慢者淘汰。两人同时跳到同一格子,两人均被淘汰。犹豫不定,同跨两格或者踩线,立即淘汰。Warmmer一心二用fullempty1、Which jar does Karen want?2、Can Karen catch the jar?She wants the empty one.No,she can't.123456Ka...

篇18:Unit14 One,two,three,catch! Lesson27课件(共29张PPT)

Unit14 One,two,three,catch! Lesson27课件(共29张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共29张PPT)Unit14One,two,three,catchLesson27www.Time for Warming-upNothing is impossible.No pain, no gain.www.Jerry wants to get some cakes from a room.www.But Tom is ready to stop it in the room.Tom will catch Jerry with a jar.www.Tiancheng Cambridge A Paradise truly belonging ti child...

篇19:Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 冀教版英语九年级全一册同步课时练(含解析)

Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 冀教版英语九年级全一册同步课时练(含解析)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:Unit 3 Safety Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur一、单选题1.How long does it ______ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown A.spend B.take C.pay D.use2.—Roy never likes junk food.—Neither do I. That's probably why I'm becoming _______ now.A. healthy and healthy B. more and more healthilyC. weaker...

篇20:Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 课件2022-2023学年冀教版英语九年级上册(共23张PPT)

Unit 3 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur 课件2022-2023学年冀教版英语九年级上册(共23张PPT)资料可供全国地区适用。
大致详情:(共23张PPT)Lesson 18Never catch a dinosaur !Studying aims:1. Understand the new words:rule branch training2. Grasp the useful phrases and sentence:(1) advise/warn sb. (not) to do sth.(2) watch/see/notice/hear sb. do/doing sth.(3) 比较级+and+比较级;more and more+多音节形/副原级(4) She watched me cl...
