
be familiar to是什么意思及be familiar to的例句汇总

日期:2014-12-8 11:13 阅读:
下面是21世纪教育网小编给大家整理关于be familiar to的翻译及相关例句,希望对各位学生进行英语词汇复习有相关帮助:
在网络大都翻译为: 熟悉; 对某人来说熟悉; 为所熟悉; 为…所熟悉
1. Strange has been unfamiliar eventually, be familiar to forget. 陌生的终究一直陌生, 熟悉的也会淡忘.
2. My argument had a logic that be familiar to economists. 经济学家对于我论点背后的逻辑会很熟悉.
3. I suspect some of the problems they have shared with me may be familiar to you. 我在想,一些我和这些人间曾经面临的问题,也许你再也熟悉不过了.
4. There is no need to repeat those statistics, which I assume should be familiar to most. 大家对那些统计数据应该已经很熟悉了, 在此我就不赘述了.
5. The story of a mother searching for her child will be familiar to many in Iran. “慈母寻子”的故事在伊朗已经数见不鲜.