
radioactive material是什么意思及radioactive material的例句汇总

日期:2014-12-8 11:24 阅读:
下面是21世纪教育网小编给大家整理关于radioactive material的翻译及相关例句,希望对各位学生进行英语词汇复习有相关帮助:
在网络大都翻译为: 放射性物质; 放射性金属; 放射性材料; 辐射性物质
1. The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation - proof container. 放射性材料储存在防辐射的特殊容器里.
2. However, no radioactive material is ever added to the product. 然而, 没有任何放射性物质添加到产品里.
3. They detected radioactive material in the house. 他们探测到房子里有放射性物质.
4. A senior licensed operator may operate any sealed and unsealed radioactive material or any radioactive facilities. 三领有高级操作执照者,得操作任何密封或非密封放射性物质或任何能量之可发生游离辐射设备.
5. If terrorists wanted to get radioactive material they could get it elsewhere much easier. 如果恐怖分子想搞到放射性物质,他在别处搞可能更容易.