

日期:2015-8-6 15:15 阅读:
用作v.翻译为:引导;领先;带领;过 ... (的生活);导致
原文 翻译
She led the way downstairs for us. 她引着我们下楼。
Our football team leads them by two goals. 我们的足球队比他们领先两分。
It's up to you to lead us through the difficulties. 就靠你来带领我们度过难关了。
They lead a busy and colourful trfe on the campus. 他们在大学里过着忙碌而又丰富多彩的生活。
The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family. 这一争吵使她同家人完全疏远了。
用作名词 (n.)
原文 翻译
She always takes the lead when we plan to do something. 我们不管打算做什么事的时候总由她来领头。
He's playing the lead in the new play. 他在新戏中担任主角。
All the children followed his lead. 所有的孩子都学习他的榜样。
He told an amusing story as a lead-in to the serious part of his speech. 他讲了一个有趣的故事作他演说中重要内容的引子。
Lead fuses at a low temperature. 铅在低温下就熔化。