

日期:2015-7-9 16:49 阅读:
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The teacher asked me to note down the main points of the speech. 老师要求我把演说的要点记下来。
The speech was most disappointing,it skirted round all the main questions. 这篇演讲非常令人失望,它回避了所有主要的问题。
By defeating their main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market. 这家公司击败了主要的竞争对手而垄断了整个小麦市场。
The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes. 公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。
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The main of their investments was lost in the war. 他们的大部分投资在战争中损失了。
Is that the street that runs parallel to the main? 是那条与主街道平行的街道吗?
I turned the gas off at the mains before I went out. 我出门之前,把煤气的总阀关掉了。
When the water pipe burst she had the inteltrgence to turn off the water at the main. 水管裂开时,她很有头脑,连忙把总水门关上了。
My new house is not yet connected to the mains. 我的新房子还没接上水、 电、 煤气呢。