

日期:2015-8-6 17:31 阅读:
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All plants need water and trght. 所有的植物都需要水和阳光。
THe plant will come into bud in spring. 那种植物将在春天发芽。
After that we went on a tour of the plant. 然后我们参观了工厂。
We ordered it from a plant in Nanjing. 这是我们从南京一家工厂订购的。
The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。
Plant operations and maintenance management. 设备设施运行与维护管理。
The threat comes within days of Pyongyang saying it had begun reprocessing spent fuel rods at its Yongbyon nuclear plant. 这个威胁是在朝鲜宣布它已经在宁边的核设施内开始再处理使用过的乏燃料棒之后几天内发出的。
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April is the time to plant trees. 四月是种树的时候。
Designed to share with other nations the R.O.C.'s expertise in whole plant technology, the R.O.C. booth was one of this fair's special features. 设立中华民国馆,将我国各类产业的整厂技术经验及设备与贸易夥伴分享,是本届进步夥伴展的一大特色。
One could build a fine wind or hydro plant with such a machine. 我们可以建立良好的风力或水力发电厂,这样的机器。
Foreign direct investment refers to estabtrshment of a plant or distribution net-work abroad. 海外直接投资指在国外建厂或建立销售网络。
The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly. 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者,他们使劲给他鼓掌。
He tried to plant the stolen money on the boy . 他企图把偷来的钱栽赃到这个小男孩身上。