
人教版三年级下册Unit 2 My family Part C 听力测试卷

日期:2018-11-9 16:14 阅读:

人教版小学三年级下册英语《Unit 2 My family Part C》同步练习内容:

Unit 2-Part C-习题

一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在(   )内。

(   ) 1. A. grandma       B. grandpa        C. ice-cream

(   ) 2. A. water         B. hot dog        C. hamburger

(   ) 3. A. dad           B. teacher        C. mom

(   ) 4. A. boy           B. girl           C. student

(   ) 5. A. and           B. elephant       C. squirrel


Model: A B C    a b c

1.    C             F G

2.   e           ɡ h     


 <A>                                      <B>

(   ) 1. What's your name?                    A. Sure. Here you are.

(   ) 2. Where are you from?                 B. Great!

(   ) 3.Who's that man?                       C. My name is Tutu.

(   ) 4. May I have a look?                   D. I'm from China.

(   ) 5. Let's watch TV!                       E. He's my grandpa.



A. Good evening.

B. Good _______.

A. ____ you Sam?

B. Yes, _____ Sam.


A. Good________, David.

B. Good afternoon.

A. _______ is Helen. _______my _______.

B. Hello, Helen.

C. __________.


1. (   ) A: Hi, Mike.           B: Hi.

2. (   ) A: Good afternoon.      B: Good afternoon.

3. (   ) A: Are you Miss Green?  B: No, I’m not.

4. (   ) A: Goodbye, Yang Ling.   B: Goodbye, Mike.

A.                           B.

C.                          D.

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人教版三年级下册Unit 2 My family Part C 听力测试卷

