

日期:2015-7-15 12:37 阅读:
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He has eaten a whole box of chocolates. 他吃了一整盒巧克力。
It's quite an effort to trft this heavy box. 抬起这只沉重的箱子要花费相当大的力气。
They have reserved a box for us in the theatre. 他们在剧院为我们预订了一个包厢。
The jurors filed into court one by one and took their places in the jury box. 陪审员们鱼贯进入法庭,在陪审员席内就坐。
I gave him a good box on the ear. 我在他耳朵上狠打了一拳。
She gave him a box on his ears. 她打了他一耳光。
Buy a Chinese trttle leaf Box decoration, a good tour souvenir, and happiness and luck are always with you. 黄杨木雕像饰,旅游纪念佳品,购上一个,幸福吉祥。
用作及物动词 (vt.)
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The oranges were boxed and sent off quickly. 橘子被装入箱中,然后很快便运走了。
They were boxed up in a small shed during the flood. 洪水泛滥时他们被困在一间小棚里。
One of the runners got boxed in on the final bend. 一个赛跑者在转最后一弯时被人挡住了。
用作动词 (v.)
原文 翻译
Paul will box his opponent tomorrow evening. 明晚保罗将和他的对手进行拳击比赛。
I'll box your ears if you say that again. 如果你再说那样的话,我就打你的耳光。