天津市高等院校春季招生统一考试 英语考试大纲 一、考试性质与目标 天津市高等职业院校春季招生统一考试是由具有一定知识和能力的中等职业技术学校毕业生参加的选拔性考试。高等职业院校根据考生的成绩,按照已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,考试应该具有较高的信度、效度、适当的难度和必要的区分度。 高等职业院校春季招生统一考试英语学科旨在考查考生在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展基础上的综合语言运用能力,特别是用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力以及跨文化交际能力。 二、考试内容与能力要求 依据中华人民共和国教育部2009年颁布的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》以及高等职业院校对新生文化素质的要求,制定英语学科的考查内容与能力要求。 一、语言知识 1. 掌握并能运用英语语音、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录); 2. 词汇要求:掌握1800左右单词及300左右习惯用语和固定搭配。单词条目参见所附词汇表。 二、语言运用 1.阅读 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短语篇以及请柬、通知、公告、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息,完成不同的阅读任务。具体包括: (1)理解、捕捉文中具体信息; (2)根据上下文识别指代关系; (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4)根据所读内容作出简单的推理和判断; (5)理解所读内容的主旨; (6)理解作者的意图、基本观点和态度; 2.写作 要求考生根据题目要求完成简单的书面表达任务。考生应能: (1)简单描述人物或事件,并表达看法; (2)写出简单的应用文,如通知、邮件等; (3)正确有效地运用所学语言知识,清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思,做到语句通顺,结构完整。 三、考试方式与试卷结构 (一)考试方式 考试为闭卷、笔试,试卷满分为150分,考试限定用时为90分钟。 (二)试卷结构 试卷分为第I 和第II两卷。第I 卷包含单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解和补全对话等部分,为客观性试题。第II卷包含阅读回答问题(或英译汉)、写作等部分,为主观性试题。 具体的题型、题量、分值为: 部分 题型 题量 分值 I 单项填空 15 30分 II 完形填空 10 25分 III 阅读理解 15 45分 IV 补全对话 5 15分 V 阅读并回答问题 5 15分 V 英译汉 5 15分 VI 写作 1 20分 注: 第V部分(阅读回答问题、英译汉)为替换题型,每年度试卷将只选其中一种题型。 (三)题型说明 1.单项填空 该部分为单项选择题;每题在一或两句话中留出空白,要求考生根据特定的语境、语法和词汇知识选出一项可填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 2.完形填空 该部分为单项选择题;为考生提供一篇200词左右的英语短文,文中留出10个空白,文后为每个空白处留有四个可供选择的词或词组,要求考生在通读全文、领会大意的基础上,从备选词或词组中选出一个最佳选项,将短文内容补充完整。补全后的短文应用词准确、语意连贯、结构完整。 3.阅读理解 该部分为单项选择题;试卷呈现A、B、C三篇短文,每篇文长在200—250词左右。短文后设5个问题,每个问题有四个备选答案,要求考生根据短文内容,选出一个正确答案。 4.补全对话 该部分为集库式选择题。可有两种考查形式。每年度试卷只选一种。 形式一:向考生提供一段不完整的对话,对话中留出5个空白,要求考生根据交际情境和相关交际原则,从备选的7个选项中选出5个最恰当、得体的句子,将对话补充完整。 形式二:向考生提供五段简短对话,每段对话中留出1个空白,要求考生根据每段对话的交际情境和相关交际原则,从备选的7个选项中选出5个最佳选项,将每段对话补充完整。 5.阅读回答问题 该部分为主观性试题;为考生提供一篇200词左右的短文,文后设5个问题,要求考生在阅读理解短文内容的基础上,按照题目要求用英语回答问题,完成任务。 6.英译汉 该部分为主观性试题;为考生提供一篇200词左右的短文,要求考生在阅读理解文章内容的基础上将文内5处画线的短语或句子翻译成通顺的汉语。 7.写作 该部分为主观性试题;要求考生根据所给情境和相关要求,用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文。情境可包括对象、时间、地点、内容等;情境提供方式可为图画、提纲等。短文要求拼写准确、语法规范、语句通顺、意义连贯、结构完整。 (四)试题难易比例 较容易题 约70% 中等难度题 约20% 较难题 约10% 四、参考书目 《天津市高等院校春季招生统一考试英语复习指南》,天津市教育招生考试院组编,天津人民出版社,2012年版。 五、典型题示例 Ⅰ.单项填空:从每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Tom often closes his eyes ______ he is thinking hard. A. as B. since C. though D. when 答案: D 2. China is the place ______ silk was first made. A. where B. how C. when D. who 答案: A 3. Because of the heavy rain, the game was ______ for a few days. A. put out B. put off C. put up D. put away 答案: B Ⅱ.完形填空:阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Mr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for their holiday. They had a dog called Blackie which they were very fond of, but they could not take him with them. So they had to look for a good place to leave him in 1 they were away. At last they found a place which looked after dogs when their 2 were away. They took Blackie there just before they 3 for their holiday, and sadly said good-bye to him. At the 4 of their holiday, they got back to England very late at night. They thought the place where Blackie was staying might be 5 at that hour, so they decided to wait until the next morning before going to get him back. The next morning Mr. Brown drove off happily to 6 Blackie. When he arrived home with the dog, he said to his wife, “Do you know, dear, I don’t think Blackie have 7 his stay very much. He barked all the 8 home in the car as if he wanted to tell me something.” Mrs. Brown looked at the dog 9 and then answered, “You are quite right, dear. He was certainly trying to tell you something. But he wasn’t telling you that he hadn’t enjoyed his stay. He was only 10 that you were bringing the wrong dog home. This isn’t Blackie.” 1.A.since B.because C.while D.although 2.A.owners B.friends C.trainers D.parents 3.A.left B.waited C.applied D.pay 4.A.middle B.beginning C.break D.end 5.A.open B.noisy C.closed D.clean 6.A.ask B.think C.send D.collect 7.A.enjoyed B.admired C.respected D.hated 8.A.day B.way C.time D.road 9.A.quickly B.politely C.carefully D.rudely 10.A.thinking B.complaining C.guessing D.joking 答案:1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B Ⅲ.阅读理解:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A famous doctor once received a little child who was badly ill. Thanks to his skill and care, his young patient got well and was soon able to get up and run about again. The child’s mother was very much pleased and called on the doctor to thank him for what he had done for her child. “Doctor,” she said, “you have saved my little son. I don’t know how to thank you enough. I feel that money alone was not enough to repay you, so I have made this little purse with my own hands as a gift to express my thanks. I hope you will accept it.” The doctor stood up and said coldly, “Madam, a little present like that is very nice between friends, but a doctor needs to be paid properly for what he has done.” The lady was so surprised and hurt that she could not reply for a moment. Then she said quietly, “Perhaps you will tell me how much your fee is?” “Fifty pounds,” he answered. The lady opened the little purse and took out four fifty-pound bank notes. She handed one of them to the doctor, and put the other three back into the purse. She put the purse into her handbag and, saying good-bye to the doctor, went out of the room. 1. The lady was thankful to the doctor because ______. A. he had saved her life B. he often called on her C. he had lent her some money D. he had saved her son’s life 2. The doctor refused the lady’s purse because he thought ______. A. the purse was too good for him B. the lady didn’t pay him the fee C. the lady was not kind to him D. the purse was not beautiful 3. How did the lady feel after hearing the doctor’s words? A. Worried. B. Interested. C. Frightened. D. Shocked. 4. The money in the purse was ______. A. much more than the medical fee B. not enough for the medical fee C. less than 200 pounds D. more than 200 pounds 5. How do you think the doctor would feel in the end? A. Sorry and worried. B. Regret and proud. C. Sorry and regret. D. Excited and proud. 答案:1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C Ⅳ. 补全对话 形式一: A: Hello! This is Linda speaking. B: Hello, Linda, this is Chris, 1 ? A: Yes, why? B: There’s a good concert, and I’ve got two tickets. 2 . A: That’s great! Well, 3 ? B: 7 o’ clock. But 4 ? A: OK. I think I can make it. B: After the concert, we’ll go to a restaurant for supper, 5 ? A: Wonderful! Why don’t we go to a Chinese restaurant? B: Why not? OK, see you Friday. A: See you then. Bye! A. I wonder if you can go with me B. shall we C. which one do you prefer D. I’d like to go to a concert E. are you free this Friday evening F. what time does it begin G. how about meeting at the entrance at 6:45 答案:1. E 2. A 3. F 4. G 5. B 形式二: A. It’s too much B. Oh, pretty good C. He is not in D. The same to you E. I used to love this F. Let me show you G. Frankly speaking H. It’s a pleasure 1. A: Hi, Rita. How are you? B: ______. I got a nice part-time job last week. 2. A: Thank you very much for taking care of my mom. B: ______. 3. A: Some young men are crazy about rock and roll. How about you? B: ______, I think it’s terrible. 4. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Thank you. ______. 5. A: Could I see Dr. Brown, please? B: I’m sorry. ______. 答案:1. B 2. H 3. G 4. D 5. C Ⅴ. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Often a bad dream had a happy ending. And that’s what happened to a beautiful black girl, Patricia Chance. Last Saturday Patricia was getting ready to take off from Kennedy Airport. She was flying to Spain and study there. She had spent many hours making her own clothes and saving pennies to buy shoes, books, and other things she needed. She and a friend stopped a taxi at the door of her home. They loaded the taxi with everything she was taking with her. Then they made a mistake. They left the taxi waiting while they went back upstairs for final good-byes. When they returned, the taxi was gone. All Miss Chance had was her air ticket to Spain. Everything else had been stolen by the taxi driver. People in Harlem heard what had happened. Immediately Miss Chance had four new suitcases, new clothes, and many other things. People who cared had given the bad dream a happy ending. 1. In which city did the story happen? The story happened in Harlem. 2. Why did Patricia Chance and her friend go upstairs? To say good-bye /For final good-byes. 3. What did Miss Chance have when she found the taxi was gone? Her air ticket to Spain. 4. What mistake did Patricia Chance and her friend make? Neither of them stayed in the taxi. 5. What was the happy ending of Patricia’s bad dream? People in Harlem gave her four new suitcases, new clothes, and many other things. Ⅴ.英译汉:阅读下面短文并将画线部分的句子翻译成汉语。 In every country of the world, there are people who like to collect stamps. Young people and old people, presidents and kings collect stamps. ①It is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. ②Stamp collecting started soon after the first stamp was made. Stamp collectors soon began trading stamps with each other. ③They began to buy and sell the ones that were hard to find. Many people collect only stamps with pictures of other places.④Some collect stamps that come from only one country. Others collect stamps that show only birds or animals. You might collect only stamps that are all the same color. ⑤No matter what kind of stamps you collect, stamp collecting can be fun. 答案: 1.这是世界上最流行的爱好之一。 2.第一枚邮票出现后不久,邮票收藏就开始了。 3.他们开始购买、销售很难找到的邮票。 4.有些人只收集一个国家的邮票。 5.无论你收集什么种类的邮票,集邮都是很有意思的事。 Ⅵ. 写作 请以“My Favorite Teacher”为题,用英文描述你最喜欢的一位老师,词数不少于60。 要求:1、 描述老师的外貌及特征,如性别、年龄、身高、性格等; 2、 说明喜欢这位老师的理由。
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