高一学习临近结束,目前已进入期末复习的关键时期!在指导学生进行期末迎考复习时,以下几点复习策略对提高学生的成绩会有一定的帮助。 高中英语和初中英语大有不同,高中主要是在初中知识的基础上,加大难度,所以光靠死记硬背是解 决不了问题的,主要是理解。如果单讲复习的话,我建议学生首先是把单词背下来,单词量上去了,至少就能看懂题了,还有就是语法,请记住英语语法就是得高分 的筹码,语法熟练掌握了,题目再难也不难解决了。还有就是多做些完型和阅读题,多做多读多背,是中国学生学习英语的万能办法。 1、按计划。每日一个单元,保证单词、短语、句子的背诵与复习,进行默写抽查,小组长检查,课代表督促的形式,保证期末前完成复习计划。 2、滚雪球。每天在复习新内容时,再温习昨天内容。循环往复,滚雪球式复习,这样保证基础知识的牢固掌握。 3、乘热打铁。在进行单元复习的两天里,把相关的练习,报纸在背诵的基础上进行“乘热打铁”式回顾,效果会更好! 4、不忘阅读。“阅读”永远是高中英语学习和测试的中心内容,坚持每天阅读,保证英语阅读的状态,是我们迎接期末英语复习的重要保证! 高一英语期末复习训练 1. The tall man was nowhere _________________. A. to see B. to be seen C. to seeing D. seeing 2. She could feel her heart _________ with fear. A. beating B. to beat C. biting D. beaten 3. The face that she saw was _______ of an old man. A. one B. that C. those D. it 4. Scientists are interested in __________ the sense of smell is related to pain and whether men and women have the same senses. A. if B. that C. which D. whether 5. However, your chances of being attacked by a shark can be reduced if you follow the _______ below. A. idea B. view C. advice D. advices 6. Please turn down the radio. The music is __________ loud. I could hardly hear her. A. such B. much C. more D. that 7. What annoyed me was that you _________ me and passed by without saying anything when I went up to say hello to you the other day. A. noticed B. ignored C. recognized D. watched 8. As a matter of fact, once a decision has been made, all of us should ____________ it. A. stick to B. relate to C. refer to D. lead to 9. She mentioned that the problem should be easy enough for students to ______________ . A. make sense B. make difference C. make the most of D. make sense of 10. ________ breaks the law should be punished. A. Anyone B. Whomever C. Whoever D. No matter who 11. The English language _________________ the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them. A. made up of B. made up C. is made up of D. making up 12. However, _____________ the Normans spoke French, throughout the 250 years they ruled England, French did not replace English as the first language. A. even though B. despite C. despite of D. in spite of 13. Henry Ⅳ’s mother tongue was English, and he used English for all official ___________ . A. situation B. position C. occasions D. occasion 14. By the latter half of the 14th century, English was ___________ by all classes in England. A. adapted B. adapting C. adopting D. adopted 15. We’ll discuss the problem ________ lunch time. A. at B. over C. of D. when Tags:高一,学期,英语,期末,备考 |