

日期:2019-6-28 17:12 阅读:

Project 2 A magic clock

Period I




1.       能综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、日常用语和句型等语言知识。

2.       能在真实的情景中谈论时间,相互认识,友好交流。

3.       通过制作、剪切等实践活动,锻炼学生动手能力。







Step 1 Warm-up

1.       Greeting

T: Hi, boys and girls. Today I am your new English teacher. My name is Miss Lu.

T: Now, class begins. Good morning, class. Do you want to know more about me?

2.       Know more about me

Name: Abbey Lu

Age: 27

Hobbies: Play games

3.       T: Games are a lot of fun. Let’s have fun today! OK?

Step 2 Presentation

1.       Numbers are magic

T: Look! What are they? Yes. They’re the numbers. Do you know them? Let’s say them together!

T: And you know what? Numbers are magic! Let’s try! You should say, ‘Number 6 number 6 Can you turn round?’

Ss say the word and open the magic numbers.

T: Look! What is behind number 6? What are these?

S: They’re … s.

T: How about other numbers? Let’s say the number and open them!

Boys: Number 5 number 5 Can you turn round?

Girls: What are those?

Boys: They’re … s.

Review the things behind the numbers.

T: Where can you see all these things?

T: Yes. On the farm. Hey, here is a farm. Can you make a dialogue and talk about the things on the farm? You can use the key sentences: What are these/those/they? They’re … s. What is this/that/it? It’s a/an …

T: The numbers are so magic!

2.       Numbers are important

Guessing game (easy & difficult)

T: They are also very important! I have three important numbers here. Can you guess what are they for?

5 9 10

a.       Easy:

T: What are number 9 and number 10 for? Can you guess?

S1: guessing

T: A little tip for you: how old are you?

S1: I’m nine.

S2: I’m ten!

T: Yes. So they are your ages.

b.       Difficult

T: How about number 5? What is it for? Can you guess?

S1: guessing

T: Ok! See? 5 is the number of Mike’s family members. Look! Here is his family picture. Can you talk about this family picture with your partners? You can use the key sentences:

Who is he/that man/that boy?

He’s …

Who is she/that woman/that girl?

She’s …

How old is …?

He’s/ She’s …

T: What is it behind them? (放大全家福后面的钟)

T: Great! It’s a clock. I have a magic clock here too. Can you ask and answer about the time ? For example: What time is it, please? S1: It’s seven o’clock.

T: Great! And it’s time to?

Ss: It’s time to have breakfast.

T: Or you can say it’s time for? breakfast.

Now you can use the magic clocks on your desks and play a game with your friend. 

PPT show key sentences: What time is it? It’s … o’clock. What are these/those? They’re… What is is/this/that? It’s a/an … How old …? Who is…? He’s/She’s…

T: Time is limited. So you can make your own magic clocks after class.

3.       Numbers are fun

T: We can see the numbers everywhere. Look! Can you read out the numbers loudly? (show pictures of 110/120/telephone numbers)

Step3 Homework

1.       Make your own magic clocks and play the game with your friend做好你的魔钟,并与你的同学玩游戏

2.       Review Unit5-8复习第5至8单元
